

The energy conservation and emission reduction measures adopted by the company in 2019 were announced

【2019-12-25】 【Read: 3607 】 【Close

greenhouse gas emissions: 88004.4 tons (ton equivalent)

Energy-saving emission measures adopted in 2019

It is proposed to invest 750,000 yuan to renovate the emulsion system of no. 1 mill. The original system will be transformed into a frequency conversion system.

The waste heat from the hooded annealing furnace is continuously used to heat and recover the steam condensate from the nearby chemical plant, which is used to clean the production water of the unit.

A variable frequency air compressor is added to the air compressor station to adjust the gas output according to the actual gas consumption in the production workshop.

Flexible arrangement of production plan according to order quantity, reasonable utilization of peak and valley power.

Strengthen equipment inspection, reduce the leakage of various energy media.

As for the solid waste generated by the company, it is planned to use organic pyrolysis and carbonization technology in conjunction with environmental protection company to further reduce the output of the company's solid waste.

According to the change of temperature in summer and winter, the number of main pumps in circulating water station can be controlled reasonably to further reduce the power consumption.

The company conducted a water balance test in 2018, and plans to set up a water-saving enterprise in 2019 to further reduce the consumption of tap water and enhance the awareness of water-saving among all employees.

Other energy-saving measures

We will continue to do a good job in technical supervision of energy conservation and use technical supervision to promote production safety.

According to the main energy consumption targets for the whole year, we will set out the priorities for energy conservation in 2019 and plan to implement them.

Organize energy conservation benchmarking network activities and analysis meetings on a regular basis, analyze the important defects affecting the operation energy consumption, propose measures to be taken and evaluate the results achieved, and realize closed-loop pipeline.

We will continue to do a good job in basic standing books for energy conservation management, and continue to carry out and improve the basic work of energy conservation management.

We will intensify the implementation of energy conservation projects, and actively carry out research on a series of energy conservation topics, such as "optimizing the operation mode of units" and "energy conservation renovation of auxiliary machines".

To go out more research and exchange learning, strengthen the standard exchange learning, the introduction of some good energy conservation projects.