
Service promise


Service promise

Efficient, high-grade, superb is our pursuit of each service, professional, dedicated, concentration is our responsibility for each customer. What we do is not only steel, is a comprehensive solution, to our core customers we have the ability to provide high quality steel, competitive price, stable quantity supply and high standard of supporting services. In order to better serve customers, to better meet customer demand, to make our services more orderly and efficient, Long Sheng solemnly promise to customers: let customer satisfaction is the pursuit of Long Sheng, buy Long Sheng products is to buy rest assured that when you buy the product has defects, do not conform to the standards and the provisions of the contract of supply, and affect your use, please put forward to deal with the requirements of the product's quality objection in written form, and please provide the defect samples (such as photographs, samples), contract number, etc., we will with the fastest speed, the shortest possible time to reply and processing.